Two2Tango Competition a Success!!!

Heres a small review from Pep and Jo: 

Two2Tango was an awesome event Huge with lots of competitor’s in each division’s but very well organised.  The standards are pretty high compared to some other comps but I suppose it gives you an incentive to work harder!

We were both super stoked to have come away 4th in our division of 83 our aim was just to try and finish the wods within the given time caps and we did.  At the end of day one’s three wods we were sitting at 7th and on day two we managed to move up after each wod from 7th to 6th, 5th and finished at 4th that was really cool we were happy with that.  We had an awesome support crew cheering us on as well J

What’s next:  Pep said he’s looking forward to 2TOA at the end of this month, he would like to try and get stronger in his lifts, work on his weaknesses and try and make it to the Nationals next year!

As for myself I would like to work on getting a better technique for my lifts, try and get stronger as well and work on my gymnastics side lol!

Our Master Ed and Jeni also competed and walked away with an amazing 24th placing coach Jody said "they were amazing, lots of laughs and just gave everything a go and took it in their stride. By all account it was a good comp with a great range of athletes and definitely one to get to if your looking for a kick start comp. 

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